helloooo theeere!
updated april 2022

you might be wondering who the hell owns this carrd? well. me, who coined the duo name. but since i'm permanently suspended that's all you get i guess.

since that means the original calamitytwt list is gone (unfortunately), feel free to scroll to the end where there's a mini faq due to what i've seen referred to more times than the amount of fingers on the usual hand.

anyway, no i will not be giving this carrd up for any other purpose any time soon. it's really just to answer some simple questions.

p.s. obligatory shoutout to luka purpledKYS (vice president)


Q: wtf does calamity mean?
A: it's basically a synonym for disaster; chaos! i didn't want to blandly name them chaoticduo, so i decided on calamity. it's a very pretty sounding & looking word to me. also if it isn't obvious, they get into a lot of hectics together or as standalones. the game is in the name!

Q: what does it have to do with quackity & tommy?
A: i think basing duo names off if just lore or headcanons is fun! but it's not my way of rolling, so i came up with calamityduo as i did. when they're usually together, their chemistry is much to the likes of being wild & having fun, & i believe even the word calamity can be placed in a good light. they're these orbs of friendliness & fuckton chaos that i just think is very synonymous in nature. they're very similar in different fonts, at least presented through their "performances".

Q: still not convinced. what else?
A: another tidbit is that the antonym of the word calamity is "godsend" or "blessing"! i've known both c!quackity & c!tommy have been one of the few heavily involved with church prime in the past & i found it nice to allude to that because i also enjoy church prime lore!
p.s cquackity totally prayed for ctommy when he died in the prison that is so funny (agonized)